Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting closer!!

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is June 1st!  Wow!  That means we are leaving in just a month and a half.  Excitement is building, and we have been busy preparing.  Our fundraising is gearing down, and we are about to step into preparations for our trip.  

On Easter weekend our church put on our annual "Eggstravaganza".  Our mission team mainly helped out in the food tent, with assembly lines of hot dogs, and passing out food and water.  It was a very long day, made more difficult by the mess of mud from all the rain that we had gotten that week, but it was still such a fun time.   I personally worked the entire time on putting hot dogs in buns and then wrapping them in foil wraps.  John was in charge of the security and parking personnel for the event.  Our kids were troopers and were there the whole day with us.  The girls helped in the egg hunt area, and Ethan, who was supposed to be with the girls, ran around playing the whole day.  The highlight of the day would have to be after it was all finished when we had to clean up all the smashed plastic eggs that had gotten embedded into the muck in the muddy field.  What a mess!!

This is Greg Nave.  He is one of our mission team leaders.  His wife Krisie, and son, Jake, are going on the trip with us also.  They set up this little booth in the food tent to tell people about our trip. 

This is Mikki, who is also part of our team.  The camel was part of the petting zoo that was at the Eggstravaganza.

Here is Krisie Nave and her daughter.  Krisie is married to Greg, and they are both leading our team.

Look at all those eggs!!  And people!!  They had to spread straw on the ground because it was so muddy.  By the end of the day the straw was floating in the water on the field.  Yuck!

This is Nick.  Nick is part of our team going to South Africa.  His wife just gave birth to their firstborn, a girl.  Nick loved the hair nets we had to wear. lol!

Hot dogs!  It was kind of chilly that day (thus the excessive steam)

A happy customer!

It was disappointing that we didn't have a good response to our "Crop for Africa" scrapbooking fundraising event that was planned for May.  We ended up having to cancel this event.  The church had purchased 100 scrapbooking totes to sell at this event, so now we are doing our best to sell these totes.   We are selling them for $15 each.  Let me know if you would like to purchase one.  :)

This month, John and I made the difficult decision to purchase tickets to fly our three children to California on July 19th, by themselves.  They will be met at the airport by John's parents, and they will stay with them in California while we are in South Africa.  It's was a little frightening to make this decision, but God is giving me more peace about this as the days go on.  So the kids will fly out 2 days before we leave and then return 2 days after we return.  They will have a wonderful time with their grandparents and with their uncle, aunt, and four cousins.

Two weekends ago was our annual subdivision sale (garage sale).  It is always so much fun, and this year was no exception.  I was in charge of it for the second year in a row.  Which means I got to do all the promoting, advertising, and signs.   Here is one of my signs-

I had 7 signs up with balloons, plus two large sandwich board signs with balloons at the entrances to our subdivision.

We tried to sell some of our scrapbooking totes at the garage sale, but didn't end up selling any.

We put up a couple tables at our garage sale for all the purses that our church donated a few months ago.  We did sell quite a few of these used purses!  We also had some people just give us cash donations which was really wonderful!  

I think we ended up raising about $1,000 at our sale for our trip.  Isn't that great?!!

I promise I won't wait so long to update you in the future!!  I will try to get everything updated on here this week.  I know our fundraising totals are not up to date yet.  :)