The remainder of our monies is due this Saturday and it looks like thanks to all your generous donations, and a lot of hard work fundraising, we will be able to meet the requirements. Thank you all for your support- it means so much!!
In the next couple weeks the kids and I are going to start putting together kits for the children that we will have at our vacation bible school in South Africa. The kits will be for a craft project of making a salvation bracelet.
I purchased the leather cording several months ago and the plastic colored beads, so now all we need to do is cut the cording into appropriate lengths and put a piece of cord and one bead of each color into a snack sized ziplock bag. One for each child. I think we have enough to do almost 500.
However I do not have any snack sized ziplock bags!
If you have a package laying around in your house that you don't need, or you want to pick up a box or two and donate it to our trip, I would so greatly appreciate it!! Just shoot me an email and let me know that you have some or are going to get some. ( I need to have them by the July 4th weekend so that we can get these packaged up in time for our trip. That would be such a great help if several of you can help us out that way!! Also if anyone would like to come over and join us in putting these together, let me know and we will make a party of it! :)This coming Saturday we are looking forward to having the entire mission team and their families over to our house for a BBQ. It will be a great time to get to know everyone better in a relaxed environment! I'll be sure to get pictures and post them on here afterwards.
Thank you all for your continuing prayers for our family as we prepare for this adventure. We are incredibly thankful that Ethan's bellybutton problems seem to be getting better this week. Also that God was able to get us in to see a pediatric surgeon finally last week who had good advice, and Ethan will not have to have any more surgery. We were getting quite worried that his problems would interfere with our trip. It appears this will not be the case anymore. God is good.