Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pictures from Saturday, Part One . . .

Saturday started very early for 5 of us.  We left the guest house at 6 am to go to the building and get the floor cleaned.  It was covered with paint that had dripped off the beams and roof.  Such a mess.
The boys swept the entire floor with less than adequate brooms, and then John started the mopping. 

Nick got some of the chemicals that we used earlier in the week on the floor to remove graffiti and used that to get the black paint that had dripped off the floor before John mopped it.

John working hard on the floor.

At about 9:20 am the taxi's started arriving with all the children.  We were so excited to see how this would all work out.  I think that the security guard at the complex was really interested in what was going on.  We certainly kept him busy with all the traffic in and out of the gates.

Another taxi coming in through the gates.

Time to pile out!

It was so funny to watch child after child get out of the taxi.  It made you wonder just how many kids were in there!!

Bill and Jake playing jump rope with Sonora while waiting for more taxi's to arrive.  Kids here make toys out of anything they can find.  Sonora's "jump rope" looked like three pieces of seat belt that were tied together.  lol!

She had fun!

Fabian and Jake with Sonora.

Another taxi arriving.  Isn't the view amazing?!

Kids arriving.

A huge bus-taxi unloading.  It was too big to come into the courtyard so it stayed out on the road.

The kids were so excited to be there!  Happy smiles everywhere.

This taxi was stuffed full of children!

Even the back of the taxi was full of children!

After getting out of the taxi they would line up and they would check to make sure they had everybody.  Each taxi had a different number assigned to it.  That number was written on each child's hand who was riding that taxi.  They checked each child before letting them into the hall to make sure that they had the right number written on their hand.

The hall looking full with over 320 kids in it!  Such a great sight!

Dan starting the program.

Matt and Dan showing the kids how to play the game.  I was sitting on the floor with the boys but right by the center eisle.

Dan showing the kids how to walk with a balloon in between their knees.

Boys vs Girls!

They were so cute!!

Some were better than others at it!

Tug of war game.  I think a little cheating was going on.  :)

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