Friday, August 5, 2011

Pictures from Thursday . . .

Thank you all for being so patient waiting to see more pictures from our trip.  Can I just tell you that it is so nice to be back to a fast internet speed?!!  Putting these pictures up took only a few minutes compared to 30-45 minutes in South Africa! 

Thursday morning- working on my blog entry in the bathroom trying not to wake John up or disturb him.  It was not very comfortable. lol!

Thursday we came to the hall to see that the spraying of the ceiling is coming along, but the paintsprayer continues to be a huge problem.  You can see that the paint has been dripping off the beams and collecting on the tile floor.  What a mess.

Thursday afternoon at VBS.

I just loved seeing Dan interact with the kids.  It is unbelievable how much they all love him.

Ross trying to teach a Zulu girl how to use his camera to take a picture.

She was thrilled!!

Emily and Dee with a couple girls.

Jackie playing with the kids.  She was so great with all of them!

Nick horsing around with a little girl.

Kids inside the tent during VBS Thursday.

John interacting with the kids after VBS.

Mikki, the sweet Nazi. lol!  No really she was trying to determine if the kids really hadn't had a candy yet or if they were lying to her.  Not a fun job at all, because they are all so cute and you hate to say no.

Cheryl teaching cats cradle.

We did the salvation bracelets in VBS on Thursday.  It was so much fun getting a group of about 10 little boys all to myself to help make the bracelets.  I loved that time with them. I hope they will remember what those colors mean.

Dee and some of the children.

Dee sharing some love with a darling little girl.

Thank you Dee for taking a picture of me with some of the kids!

Ross showing a large group of kids the pictures he had just taken of them.  They all love to see their pictures right after you take them. 

Mikki with one of her girls.  She was so great with the teen girls and they just LOVED her!!

The bad thing about the tent was having to put it up and then taking it all back down again.  So time consuming!

Ross, the camera man! lol!

Jackie and her gang.

They just loved using our cameras to take pictures.

Jake lifting kids.  His hair was white from paint dripping on him and then he rubbed it all over.  lol!

This little girl had the most precious smile!

One of the most special boys!  He is a huge help to Dan and Key of Hope.

Jackie and I in the car leaving after VBS.  Love her!

The kids were just pressed up against the glass of the car.  It was so hard to say goodbye.  We gave them just a couple hours of fun, away from the hardships of reality.

How do you ever forget these faces?
Please don't.
$100 a year sends a kid to school
$1 a week transports one child to the Saturday Kidz Club where they hear about Jesus, play games, sing, and develope a relationship with Key of Hope.

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