Thursday, July 14, 2011

7 Days . . .

. . . til we leave!  I'm amazed how fast this past year has flown by.  The trip is now completely upon us.  My kids are leaving in just 5 days, and we are leaving in 7.  It is so very exciting, but at the same time I am feeling nervous and inadequate. 

In truth I really am inadequate, and that is just the way God wants it.  Because the more inadequate I am, the better God can shine.  Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians that he could boast in his weakness, because God was made perfect in his weakness.  Paul was nothing, God was everything.  I want to be just like that.  I want to boast in my inadequacies and allow God to use all of me on this trip.  Less of me, more of Him.  7 days . . .

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