Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday . . .

This morning we went to a Zulu church with Dan and his family.  We were greeted so warmly with smiles, handshakes and hugs all around.  We were the only white people, but it didn't matter.  The music was very loud and so amazing.  We were instructed to follow the movements and keep moving so that we wouldn't offend them.  lol!  It was so funny our awkward movements and uncoordination.   Everything was in Zulu but every once and a while they would throw in some english for our benefit.  The sermon was taken from Genesis and Luke.  After the service we went to the mall, that happens to be the largest in the southern hemisphere.  We ate there.  Next we went to north beach, where they had lots of outside vendors selling more traditional items, like beadwork, masks, etc.  That was a lot of fun. 
Sunday morning before church some of us went for a walk on the beach which is literally only a short walk from the place where we are staying.  Another small group of us went for a run along the road by the beach.  I was in the group that walked on the beach.  It was so beautiful and amazing how strong the waves were.  They were huge.  I think I understand why no one swims in this ocean.  There were lots of fishermen there, fishing for Shad. 

A fisherman.

Greg walking on the beach.  Check out that surf!

John checking out the waves.

John running away from the waves.

Look how powerful these are!!

John videoing the ocean.

Me.  Sorry for the terrible hair.  It was windy and it was early so I hadn't done my hair or make-up. lol!

John on the beach.

John and I.

On the way back we saw this tree full of birds nests.  They were very cool!

This is a better picture of these nests.  The tree was just full of them.