Thursday, July 21, 2011

We are on our way . . .

Well we are on our way.  We are sitting at the Detroit Airport waiting for our flight.  There was some question a few days ago about how many checked bags we could each have.  Two of our team members left on Tuesday and they were charged for their second bag.  So I called Tuesday and talked with United Airlines and they looked up our reservation and told me that we were allowed 2 checked bags each.  This morning when we got here there was an issue again, but we were half-way expecting it.  So we just called again and they told us that because we had purchased our tickets before a certain time, we are allowed the 2 bags.  So we kindly told the lady this information and we were all able to check in our two bags each without any extra cost.  Praise God!!

Here are some pictures from our trip so far . . .
Mama and Maci.  So sad to leave my doggie.

The luggage ready to pack into the van.

Maci peeking through the suitcases.

Lots of luggage (and this is just for two people!).

Sorry can't get this to rotate, but it is the church van all packed full of luggage for our team.

Getting ready to pray and then be off to the airport.

Putting down the coffee to pray.

John and Greg.

Checking in our bags and getting our boarding passes.

Next stop is Washington, Dulles Airport.  We will be there for 5 hours.  :)

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