Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday . . .

Saturday started for us at about 9:30am with a short meeting and prayer time.  The place where we are staying has a nice patio area with tables and chairs, so we met there.  This is Ross our leader.

Nick looks really awake! lol!

Some of our group sitting around.

Krisie and Jake.
After the meeting we loaded up and went out to where Key of Hope currently holds their Saturday morning program.  It is held in an athletic field very close to where the children live.

As soon as we got out of the van and headed towards the tent, we were in the midst of children. Greg made a friend right away who grabbed his hand and held on tight. It was so cute.

A couple cute little boys!  They all love getting their picture taken.

Before the program starts the kids just mill around, playing.  The boys are so rough, wrestling and throwing each other to the ground everywhere.  So very different from America, where we would have stopped it right away to keep everyone from getting hurt.  No one got hurt though. lol!

Some of the kids get bused in to the program in taxi vans holding like 20 kids each.  It costs Key of Hope about $1 per kid each week to do this.  When they move the program to the building we are going to be working on, it will cost them about $400 a week to bus all the kids in, because all the kids will need to be bused. 

Dan playing with some of the children in the tent.  They were climbing up the center poles all the way to the top!

One child laying down on the tarp relaxing.

Dan has games for the kids to play when he starts his program.  Here it was boys vs girls, in a race to wrap up with toilet paper.   The boys won both times.  The girls got too dizzy.

Here are the boys.

This was a "chubby bunny" contest.  The kids had to put marshmallows in their mouths and say "chubby bunny".  It was hilarious!

This game they had small cups with powdered sugar in them.  They had to be the first to blow all the sugar out of the cup.  What a mess!!

They were covered by the time they emptied their cups.

Rachel and Dan's littlest girl, CeCe.  So cute!!  She was playing a drum.

Group introductions.

Dan starting his lesson.

Debra made a friend too.  This little girl was fasinated with my camera and my hair (I was sitting in front of them).  She kept playing with my ponytail and pushing the buttons on my camera.

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