Monday, July 18, 2011

The kids are packed . . .

. . . and ready for their flight tomorrow to California!  They are super excited to get to see Grandparents, Uncle Andy, Aunt Margaret, and their cousins.  Hopefully we didn't forget anything that needed to be packed. 

We had a wonderful time Sunday afternoon with most of our mission team.  We met at our house right after church.  We enjoyed lunch together and then some time practicing our puppet skits together.  We discovered that it is going to kind of hard work holding our arms up in the air for so long doing the puppets! lol!  Here are some pictures from Sunday -

John and I are actually playing ourselves in one of the skits about Heaven.

One of our puppets, made by Debra who is part of our mission team.  She is seriously talented!

This is still the Heaven skit.  John is interacting with the puppets.

We are working on getting one of the crafts put together.  It is a foam cross necklace that the kids will decorate with sticky foam cutouts.

Another puppet.

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