Monday, July 11, 2011

Bracelets are DONE!!

This past week I was able to get all the bracelet packets done with the help of my children and some neighborhood children.  We have put together 400 of them.   These are "salvation bracelets".  The black bead represents the sin in each of our lives.  The red bead represents the blood Jesus shed on the cross when he died for our sins.  The white bead represents how Jesus has washed us white as snow and forgiven our sins.  The green bead represents how we grow as Christians.  We start to show fruits of the spirit like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control.  The yellow bead represents the streets of gold that are found in heaven.

Taylor was such a huge help, and happy to do so!

Me working with Taylor. :)

These are what the packets look like.  We have 400 of them!

Ethan helping.  He didn't last very long though before he got bored.

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