Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Preparations continue . . .

I was looking at the calendar a couple days ago and realized just how soon we will be in South Africa.  I must admit that I am starting to feel just a teeny bit of panic creep into my mind.  I am so afraid that I will forget to get something that needs to be done, done before we leave.  I'm sure that most of you think that surely there isn't that much that needs to be done, or remembered, but you see I have the lovely job of also packing up 3 children and shipping them off to grandparents, a house-sitter coming to watch the house/garden/dog, besides getting myself and my husband ready for a mission trip.  So we have to get a will written, medical permission slips made and signed, passports to pull out, luggage to be dug out and counted (to make sure we have enough for everyone, so that is 4 large suitcases, 5 carry-ons, 5 backpacks . . .), 300 + bracelet making kits made, a dog to get groomed, make a dog/garden care sheet, Malaria pills bought, medicines and sunscreen bought and packed, VBS planned (the whole team is working on this), new songs learned, and we have to find enough things to do to keep everyone happy on their plane rides.

 I'm sure there is more that has to be done, but I am having a tough time collecting my thoughts at the moment. lol.  I am confident that everything will get done with God's help, but I'm afraid if it were just up to me, it would be a complete mess.  It is times like this that I am reminded how very small I am, and how very big He is!

In my last post I had written about how we had a mission team meeting coming up on June 28th with our missionary.  I had hoped to get some pictures also from our BBQ we had the Saturday before that meeting.  Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.  For some reason my brain has just been overloaded lately and I keep forgetting to take pictures to document what is going on.  I am hoping that soon I will clear this fog of a brain and start thinking more clearly.  We did have a wonderful time at the BBQ with everyone and their families.  It was a great way to get to know the whole group better.  The meeting with Dan (our missionary) was terrific.  He really helped us understand the culture a little better and see more clearly what it will be like.  My heart breaks for these children that we are going to minister to.  Such a hard life they have.  I pray that we can help be Jesus' hands and show these kids his love for them.

Please continue to pray for us as we prepare our VBS materials, crafts, and songs.  It has been a struggle to de-americanize material so that it is appropriate and relates to these children.

16 days away . . .

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