Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The kids are off . . .

The kids arrived safely in California yesterday evening.  I haven't talked to them yet, but we talked to Grandpa and he said Ethan told him that they got ice cream on the plane!  Nobody ever feeds me ice cream when I fly!  I guess it sometimes pays to be a cute little redhead?!!  Anyway here are some pictures I took of the kids leaving . . .

Ethan at the house saying goodbye to Maci with a choke hold!

Checking in.  Ethan is starting to realize this means goodbye to mom for a while.  :(

Chowing on McDonalds as fast as they can.

Taylor finding something weird in her burger?  
No really I don't have any idea why she was making that face.  :)

Ethan having a moment of happiness with his nuggets.

Always the serious one.

They are all ready to go.  
I don't think they will get lost with their red hair and matching shirts. lol!

Mom, Mariah and Ethan.  Taken by Taylor.

Mom and Mariah, taken by Taylor.  
Mariah hates having her picture taken so this was not an easy task.

We had to take two pictures of her.  lol!

Mom and Taylor, taken by Mariah.

My kids waiting to board the plane before anyone else.

Goodness they are growing up.  I'm gonna miss them.  :(


  1. what brave kids, and what a fun adventure, I am sure they will have a blast!

    -Leah Wentzel

  2. Great pics Ju! I'm sure they will have a great time in CA! Hugs!
